
Community Profile

  • Town Population (2016): 554
  • Approximate No. of homes: 400
  • Trading Area Population: 4,507


Hardisty, being a town situated in a rural natural setting, has a variety of advantages for businesses contemplating operating in the area. The natural resources of unlimited water sources, natural gas and fertile farmland are all assets to the town.
The community has plenty of room for expansion of new businesses and industry. The town is of strategic importance to the oil and gas industry. Hardisty will soon be the meeting point of four major pipelines, making it the logical place to locate an upgrade or refinery for bitumen and heavy oil producers.


Hardisty has sufficient lots available for new housing. There is a newly developed subdivision with services to the property line along with curb and gutters. All lot prices are negotiable by Council. The town also has sufficient lots available for industrial and commercial business to meet any future requirements and developments. Council accepts offers on all vacant land for commercial or industrial use.

Living Conditions

The recreational and social life of the community is quite active, with activities taking place every month. Dances, lodges, markets, service clubs and sports keep residents occupied year-round.

Hardisty Lake Park more than handles the need for summer activity, with camping, swimming, boating, trout fishing, golfing on grass greens, rodeos and sporting events.

Winter sports consist of curling, skating, hockey, ice fishing, and both downhill and cross-country skiing. For the sportsman, upland game, geese, ducks, mule and whitetail deer are plentiful and hunters from miles around come to the district for their limits.

Educational facilities include Allan Johnstone School, which teaches K through to Grade 9. Students travel to Sedgewick for grades 10-12.

Two churches see to the spiritual needs of the community.

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