
The Town is governed by a Mayor and four Councillors for a four(4) year term. The current term runs from October 2017 to October 2021. The CAO administers policy and bylaw that are approved by Council and takes direction from Council accordingly. 

Council meetings are open to the public. Council meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. If you wish to speak to Council as a delegation, please contact our CAO, Sandy Otto at the Town Office four(4) days prior to the meeting date; this allows for adequate time for your information package to be placed into the agenda.  

Meet the Town of Hardisty Council

Council Expenses


Irving, Douglas

Click here to email
Expense Claims (link)

Committee Appointments:
  • Audit and Budget
  • Public Engagement & Communications
  • (MPC) Town of Hardisty Municipal Planning
  • Town of Hardisty Subdivision Authority
  • (FRHG) Flagstaff Regional Housing Group
  • (FIP) Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership
  • (BRAED) Battle River Alliance for Economic
  • (FCMRRC) Flagstaff Community Medical Recruitment and Retention Committee
  • (PRL) Parkland Regional Library Board
  • (IDP) Intermunicipal Planning Committee Hardisty & Flagstaff County

Deputy Mayor

Lane, Dean

Click here to email
Expense Claims

Committee Appointments:
  • Audit and Budget
  • Public Engagement & Communications
  • Transportation & Development
  • Water Resources Board
  • (MPC) Town of Hardisty Municipal Planning
  • Town of Hardisty Subdivision Authority
  • (FRSWMA) Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association
  • (IDP) Intermunicipal Planning Committee Hardisty & Flagstaff County


Beringer, Connie

Click here to email
Expense Claims

Committee Appointments:
  • Audit and Budget
  • Governance, Agenda and Priorities
  • Transportation & Development
  • Hardisty Community Hall Board
  • (MPC) Town of Hardisty Municipal Planning
  • (IDP) Intermunicipal Planning Committee Hardisty & Flagstaff County



Wurz, Penny

Click here to email
Expense Claims

Committee Appointments:
  • Audit and Budget
  • Public Engagement & Communications
  • Hardisty Cemetery Advisory Committee
  • Hardisty Community Hall Board
  • (FFCSS) Flagstaff Family Community Support Services
  • Police / CAC

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